
Grand Rapids Reporter

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

MDHHS director claims ‘science is settled’ on indoor dining service and the spread of COVID-19


Michigan has extended the ban on indoor service at bars and restaurants until at least Sunday, Dec. 20. | Stock Photo

Michigan has extended the ban on indoor service at bars and restaurants until at least Sunday, Dec. 20. | Stock Photo

Director of the Michigan Department of Heath and Human Services (MDHHS) Robert Gordon recently claimed that the science was irrefutable as he extended a current lockdown, closing indoor service at bars and restaurants until at least Sunday, Dec. 20, according to Michigan Capitol Confidential.

“The science on eating and drinking inside is settled,” Gordon said, according to Michigan Capitol Confidential.

The research conclusions may not be as indisputable as Gordon suggests, as states across the nation have approached the pandemic differently.

“Seven states have recently closed restaurants to indoor or all in-person dining, while 20 allow indoor dining but impose capacity limits. States have been more willing to close bars — 16 states have closed bars to indoor service. However, 15 states continue to have no restrictions on restaurants, and 13 do not restrict service at bars,” a Nov. 20 report from the Kaiser Family Foundation said.

According to Worldometers.info, the nearby states of Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania show COVID-19 case rates similar to that of Michigan, despite still allowing bars and restaurants to continue indoor service in some capacity.