
Grand Rapids Reporter

Saturday, March 29, 2025

The Little Free Pantry needs your help!

The Little Free Pantry needs your help! Our reserves are extremely low and we could use more donations. Canned fruits and vegetables, rice, pasta, cereal, soup, and canned meats are always needed. We also accept personal care items such as toilet paper, shampoo, deodorant, and laundry soap. 

Donations can be dropped off at the Kentwood Activities Center at 355 48th St. SE during office hours, Mon-Thu 8am-5pm or Fri 8am-4pm. If your company or organization would like to host a food drive for the pantry, we also have collection bins available. 

You can request a bin online at kentwood.us/littlefreepantry. Thank you for your support!

Original source can be found here.