
Grand Rapids Reporter

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Yard waste curbside collection begins Monday, April 4

Garbagecan 1000x667

City of Grand Rapids issued the following announcement on Mar 24.

The City of Grand Rapids begins its curbside yard waste collection service for the season Monday, April 4. Curbside yard waste is collected on the same day as refuse collection through the second Saturday in December. All yard waste needs to be placed at the refuse collection point by 7 a.m.

Grand Rapids yard waste curbside collection is a pay for service option offered by the Department of Public Works. The City also offers a yard waste drop-off site for those residents who wish to compost yard waste free-of-charge. Additional information on that option is included below.

Curbside Yard Waste Service:

  • Yard Waste Cart – The initial cart order is $27.50. A Yellow Yard Waste Tag to empty a cart is $6.00. City yard waste cart tags, paper bags, and purple bulk tags can be purchased at City Hall, 300 Monroe Ave. NW. They can also be purchased at select local supermarkets.
  • Yard Waste Bulk Tag – Purple yard waste bulk tags are used for bundles of larger twigs or branches and to non-city paper yard waste bags.  Purple yard waste bulk tags cost $2.50 each.
A few reminders about curbside yard waste preparation:

  • All yard waste other than bulk or bundled needs to be placed in a City yard cart or City yard waste paper bag and be visible for collection.
  • Yard waste bags cannot be overfilled. There is a 30-pound weight limit on the bags.
  • Dirt, stones, and manure are not acceptable.
  • We can accept other bags (Meijer, Lowes, Menards, etc.), but a yard waste bulk tag must be attached to each bag.
  • Bulk yard waste materials need to be tagged and tied.
  • Bundled yard waste cannot exceed 4 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter.
  • Raking or sweeping of leaves or any other material into the street or gutter is not permitted. Material swept into the street can clog catch basins and cause street flooding.
Yard Waste Drop-off Site:

This free resident drop-off site is located at 2001 Butterworth St SW. Hours of operation are Monday – Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Bring ID for proof of residence. Yard waste must be loose or in a paper bag. Plastic bags are not allowed. People with hydraulic dump-trailers will be required to manually empty the trailer for safety reasons.

The site has free wood chips and 2,000 yards of compost available free of charge. Residents can pick up up to one cubic yard of material once per year on a first come basis. Organics and composting vendor We Care Denali manages all on site operations, working to turn yard waste into a high-quality compost.

For more information, call the Department of Public Works at 616.456.3000 or CLICK HERE.

Original source can be found here.

Source: City of Grand Rapids