
Grand Rapids Reporter

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Trump 2020 advisor: Trump is leading while Democrats are just opposing

President trump holds a news conference on the coronavirus 1600x900

President Donald Trump | The White House

President Donald Trump | The White House

Katrina Pierson, senior advisor to the Trump 2020 reelection campaign, recently appeared on WJR’s "The Frank Beckmann Show" to discuss the differences between what an administration headed up by former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris would look like, compared to the current administration of President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence.

At the start of their discussion, Beckmann asked Pierson whether, as a woman, she was proud to see the country once again having a female vice presidential candidate.

“It is historic,” Pierson acknowledged to Beckmann. “Not sure that I’m proud, considering the only reason she’s there is because Joe Biden painted himself into a corner with identity politics.”

Katrina Pierson, political consultant | KatrinaPierson.com

In regard to the potential for the economy to bounce back to the successes that were enjoyed before the COVID-19 pandemic, Pierson said that if Trump is reelected, she feels confident that those economic gains can once again be realized.

“And even after COVID, when you look at the decisive decisions by the president to stop travel in from China, really sort of negated a lot of the impact that would have happened under the leadership of a Biden-Harris administration,” she told Beckmann

Pierson also attributed the economy's quick recovery to the actions of Trump.

“He puts America first and American jobs first,” she told Beckmann.

Beckmann pointed out that Trump addressed the travel ban from China and spoke about the novel coronavirus in his State of the Union address in February, while the Democratic response from Gov. Gretchen Whitmer never even mentioned the coronavirus.

Pierson told Beckmann that the Democratic Party has been -- and still is -- defining itself purely by being the opposite of whatever stance Trump takes.

“Even if it means [the detriment of] the health and wellness of our country,” Pierson told Beckmann.